Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Cheese-steak Factory aka Philadelphia

 May I Offer You A Drink To Start With?
Hi Din-HERS I am back and I hope you all had an amazing weekend! Mine was VERY eventful, fun and I tried a new restaurant with my Din-HER Club girls, but I will blog about that on Thursday.

I am sooooooooo super excited to be heading back to Philadelphia this coming Saturday for the Jill Scott concert.  I miss living out there so much!  Socially and entertainment wise it was a happy medium between slow moving CT and fast paced NYC for me.  It was new, exciting, scary and fun all in one, but the most important part was learning so much about myself and just enjoying ME. 
Bon Appetit!

Side Note: This blog is dedicated to my belated friend Elie Joseph

I moved to the Philadelphia/South NJ area last spring for a year.  I'm an only child, super close to my family and friends, but as sociable and in the mix as I may seem and my career requires me to be, I am truly a homebody and anti-social at times, so making the move to Philly was different for me. It's almost like trying a new restaurant for the first time, picking a location, scanning the menu and finally taking the first bite.

Two years ago when I was 26 I had been working at a major non profit organization as the Lead Special Events Coordinator for our chapter for three years, I experienced my first major breakup, loss my grandmother to pancreatic cancer and some other stuff.  Although I loved my career and was doing well for my age, I wanted a change in my life...I wanted to hit the refresh button for some reason.  I didn't know what type of change, but I knew with prayer and patience God would help me find what I was looking for.

I come from a long and deep rooted family of entrepreneurs/self employed business owners, so it was only natural that I'd get the entrepreneurial itch too, so since I already had the professional experience I started freelancing and consulting as an Event/Wedding Planner in 2009.  Although my business picked up it still wasn't the change I was looking for.  I always played with the idea of moving out of state from CT, but like I said I was the only child and super close to my family and friends, so being scared would have been an understatement to describe how I felt.

Over that next year I talked to a few of my undergrad buddies that moved away from CT after college and I loved hearing about how they made the decision to move, how liberating it was and how it was the best decision they had ever made.  My good friend Chauncey who has moved to Ohio and now lives in the DC area told me, "Tori, you're still young, no kids, no real obligations so if you move away and don't like it you can always come back to CT."  I hate to admit when he's right, but to admit he was right in a public setting like my blog is another story (waves hello).  As I digress...so one day I started looking at jobs in the south New Jersey and Philadelphia area and out of all the jobs in my field I could have applied for, I only applied to one.  Subconsciously I did it that because
1. I didn't think I would land a government sector job so easily
2. I figured the distance and relocating me from CT would deter employers
Basically, I wanted excuses so I wouldn't have to face my fear of moving away, BUT of course they called, I did the interview, got the job and within 3 weeks I had to find a place, pack up the Uhaul and all my shoes and move south. Everything happened so fast, but I am a firm believer that when GOd gives you the answer or green light on something you have prayed for, you GO!

Luckily, I had a friend (Mr. Bentley) that lived out there already and was able to show me around the area and the ins and outs. I should include him into the Din-HER Club because we would dine around often (Welcome to the club Mr. Bentley! lol).  Anyway,  I started the job and loved being able to travel, work with various government higher ups from NASA, DOD, NIH, DOE etc. planning their conferences and meetings and going to different security bases and labs.   I loved my apartment because it was right in beautiful Cherry Hill, NJ and 7 minutes away from downtown Philadelphia. My place was cute, cozy and had so much character (so did my neighbor's kid...little Emma was a riot .lol).  At first I was home sick and would come  to CT every other weekend, but that stopped especially when toll rates went up. lol.  Outside of the no left turns and silly jug handle turns, I loved it...I was home!!!

My cousin and friend heard of my move and introduced me to their friends that also lived in Philly (Ashley and Elie).  I first met Elie at Tinto Wine Bar in the lovely Rittenhouse Square area of Philadelphia.  I watch wayyyy too much Criminal Minds and Law and Order, so being single, living in a totally different area alone and meeting new people was a little scary to me at first, but Elie ended that notion quick.  He was super tall, poised and funny.  The big bonus was that he was a Personal Chef for a well known celebrity family in Philly.  Of course I was excited because we both shared a common love for food.  He was shocked at how cultured and into food I was (rolls eyes).  Even though he's Black/Haitian, he felt like a lot of black women were scared to try different foods, but boy did I prove him wrong (team black women 3 points lol)!  Elie knew the head chef at Tinto so we indulged and ate aged manchego cheese, tuna tar tare, duck, wrapped figs, almond gazpacho and sipped various red and white wines.  Since that day we became good friends and he took me to the Market Place where all the chefs and real foodies go to buy fresh food, the infamous South Street strip and all the hot restaurants like: Cuba Libre, Warm Daddy's, Distrito, Relish, Pattaya and more.  Although he was a Professional Chef, he actually hated cooking on his personal time ( I totally understand because I hate planning my own personal events) so he really enjoyed critiquing others food and dining around.
Elie was truly a good guy and blessing, but unfortunately he passed away.  His passing truly hurt my heart, but I am so very fortunate, honored and blessed he was a character in my life story. He helped teach me how to really enjoy life and not feel guilty for liking the finer things in life.
 #missu #gentlegiant #gucci #bestbrowniesonearth


 Elie (R.I.P) and his wonderful creations

 My "Philly Wife" (Ashley) was/is my Thelma. I remember us first meeting at Ms. Toosties Soul Food restaurant for happy hour.  Her southern accent she picked up from attending undergrad in ATL with her Cali born swag was refreshing.  Ashely is an old soul just like me so we hit it off instantly! This little woman is a bag full of fun, tricks and Ashly-isms ...No, really she has her signature phrases, like:
"Child please"
"Point, Blank and to the Period"
"I need to lay my burdens downs"
"I know that's right"
Ashley loved to shop and also dine around and cook. We would just walk around in Old City when it was nice out and talk, enjoy the nightlife, go to lunch at Devon's Seafood on Sundays and alternate cooking for our girls nights.  She loved my green curry mussels and shrimp dish, but Ashley makes a serious, jaw dropping cajun seafood alfredo...so good!  From our man issues, taking road trips, having our cars towed/ticketed and housewarmings, this little lady is also and still is a blessing from God, especially during that new period/journey in my life.   #ihearther #finnatodo #sweetred #youtheone...lol

 My "Philly Wife" Ash and I                                              Road trip to DC
       Lunch at Devon's Seafood                                       My Thai green curry mussels & shrimp dish

 I have lived alone before, but something about living alone out there was exactly what I needed.
I loved the artsy; boho-chic and eccentric culture out in Philly, I cooked all the time and tried new dishes, loved washing clothes, I liked adventuring out and getting lost and finding my way around the city, walking around my place naked (tmi), going to the King of Prussia and Cherry Hill mall, having my CT girls visit, meeting new people, dating, the Amish market, lunch with my co-workers (Tara and Lauren), curling up on my couch watching reality TV or reading a book with a glass of wine and being interrogated by my neighbors 7 year old daughter Emma about where I was going when she would see walking to my car all dressed up. My mother and I were already close, but for some reason when I moved we became closer and I actual shared my dating and relationship stories with her.

Geno's Cheese Steak (Nasty)                                   Jim's Cheese Steaks (Awesome)

El Vez (Mexican Restaurant - Good)                                    My neighbor's nosy daughter Emma
     My CT Din-HER  girlies came to visit (Pod Restaurant)                Pole Dancing  Aerobics #fail

  The cherry blossom trees on my street                                         Day trip to Atlantic City

All that time I knew God would help me find what I was looking for, but what I didn't expect is that the thing I would be finding was ME!  Of course, I thought I knew it all before the move and was doing pretty well for 26 back in CT, but I really didn't know myself as well as I thought. It's not that I didn't know anything about me at all, but I became even more aware and confident in who I am (LOVE it or LEAVE it), realized the things I won't settle for, I became more forgiving and easy going and I learned to take a break from being so heavily involved with various activities and focus more on me and give back again later.  Instead of group retreats, I learned to go on ME-Treats and treat/spend time with myself.

I think it's very important, especially for women to find, explore and know themselves. There is nothing more freeing and attractive than a woman who is confident, God fearing, knows where she's going and how to get there in 4inch heels and has her own life outside of her man, family and/or girlfriends.  Although I recently moved back to CT for business purposes, if I could go back to Philly I would!  But I know things happen for a reason and since my trust is in God, I am sure he will reveal to me the real reason I was called back home.

I'm not saying moving away is the answer to everything, but if you have the urge and opportunity to move, Do it! Like I was told back then and now able to testify to "You can always come back home if needed."

A Few Of My Favorite Philly Restaurants:
 PYT, Farmicia, The Wine Bar, Honeys, The Continental, El Vez, Carabas, Ms Tootsie, Devons Seafood, Silk City Diner, Cantina Dos Segundo, Relish, Blu2o, Barclay Pho, Pattaya, Milk Bar, Pinsetters, Fat Nygoya Sushi, Tuesdays, Jim's, Emerald Fish, Vango, Maggianos, North Bowl, Copa Banana and more.

                                                             Brunch dishes at Farmicia

 Caraba's Brownie (Yum)                 Cabana's Ice Water                                      Pho (Vietnamese food)

Past Din-Her Club Blogs...Catch Up

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